Spring Wake Up!

Spring has sprung. Okay not quite where we are, but we were tempted with some lovely  spring weather and at EcoEthic Inc that means septic care!!  Here are a few handy tips to Spring your septic back into action. 

Spring Septic Checklist


  1. Check for leaks in toilets and faucets!!  A common culprit is toilet flapper valves.
  2. Book your Septic Pump out!  Has it been 3 - 5 years since the honeywagons' last visit?  If so, or you have no idea it is time call your Septic Pumper.
  3. Boost your septic with EcoEthic Septic Treatment.  It contains billions of specific waste-digesting microbes necessary to get your system up and running.
  4. NO Parking allowed on Septic Leaching Bed, please!
  5. Ensure your eavestrough downspouts are directed away from your leach field.


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