EcoEthic BioSurge for Outhouse 1L (Twin Pack)

  • Sale
  • $60

Save with our Twin Pack at $60 for two containers (Save $6 per unit)

Stinky Outhouse?  Not anymore!

EcoEthic BioSurge for Outhouse & Vault Toilets eliminates odour and reduces solids in outhouse, vault & composting toilets without fragrance or harsh chemicals.

+ Highly effective
+ Natural organic formula
+ Concentrated
+ Non Toxic & Biodegradable
Targeted microbes promote microbial activity in the pit/vault thereby eliminating odour and reducing solids.

Ideal for Cottage, Cabin, & Camp!  Recommended and used by children’s camps, national parks and more.

EcoEthic BioSurge eliminates odour leaving you to enjoy your weekend.

Outhouse: Shake well before each use.
  Initial Treatment:  Mix 1 cup EcoEthic BioSurge with 4-5L of water.  We recommend you knock the top of the outhouse "pile" off with a stick and pour EcoEthic BioSurge/water mixture over mass.  
For Maintenance:
 Mix 1/2 to 1 cup EcoEthic BioSurge with water and pour over mass weekly or as required.

Composting Toilet (drum style):  Shake well.  Mix 1 cup EcoEthic BioSurge with an equal amount of water. Pour it into the drum in small amounts and rotate the drum in between adding the BioSurge/Water mix.

Other sizes available:

3.78L (click here)

1 L single (click here)